How To Combat Facial Ageing


Science has shed new light on why skin ages, and we now know that the primary cause of skin ageing is inflammation. All aged or wrinkled skin shows signs of inflammation, and the main causes are: sun damage, refined sugar in the diet, smoking, air pollution, harsh skincare products, alcohol, dehydration, and stress. Another cause of skin ageing is the decline of the production of collagen as we grow older.

What gives the appearance of age in the face is a loss of volume and convexity. When you look at a youthful face you see curves and volume. It has a plumpness – the forehead curves out, the mouth protrudes, there’s volume in the cheeks and in the temples. With age, we lose muscle mass and subcutaneous fat so those convexities flatten and eventually become concave. And this is exaggerated if we exercise in an effort to stay lean.

Ageing is less about lines and wrinkles and more about volume loss.

There is a natural way to retain volume in the face so you don’t have to inject it with fillers, and it involves eating the right foods that help the skin retain the subcutaneous fat that keeps it youthfully plump.

What is also needed are the amino acids found in high quality protein foods such as salmon and other oily fish, nuts and seeds, meat, eggs and pulses. These amino acids are essential for cellular repair and building collagen and muscle.

Low glycaemic index fruit and vegetables are also needed that keep blood sugar levels stable and supply the antioxidants that neutralise the free radicals that cause cellular damage. Essential fatty acids are also vital for preventing inflammation.

And to keep facial muscles strong, it is possible to exercise the face – along with the body, by rebound exercise and facial massage. Massaging the facial muscles keeps them toned and strong, providing a firm structure to the face, and unlike other forms of exercise, rebound exercise (or bouncing on a mini trampoline) is the only exercise that can strengthen sagging skin and connective tissue.

All of these factors are addressed in the Firmer Skin in 28 Days eBook, which shows how aged skin can be prevented and to a degree, reversed with simple lifestyle changes.

And it’s not just about vanity – the steps that we take to preserve skin result in better health and wellbeing overall. Healthy supple skin is often a reflection of a healthy internal environment.

The Firmer Skin in 28 Days eBook will tell you how you can increase your body’s collagen production through diet and supplementation, and will also explain why bamboo silica, found in Hair Skin Nails Formula, is vital for collagen production. And you will also discover why Oleicia Facial Oil is the perfect skincare base, and how it can keep your skin firm, supple and youthful.