Collagen Linked To Longevity And Ageing


Scientists show that collagen is linked to not only ageing, but lifespan. At Antiageing Expert we’re strong advocates of the importance of collagen in the ageing process. Maintaining collagen isn’t just vital for firm, plump skin, but also for healthy ageing because it helps form healthy blood vessels and plays a role in muscle and bone formation. However scientists have linked the genes that produce collagen not just to healthy ageing, but also to longevity.

Researchers found an increase in the activity of the genes that produce collagen and other elements of the extra-cellular matrix (remember this, it’s going to come up a lot), which is the body’s scaffolding that supports tissues, organs, skin, nails, hair and bones. They were exploring strategies known to boost the lifespan of a tiny laboratory worm.

The leading scientist, Professor Keith Blackwell of Harvard Medical School said “Any longevity intervention that we looked at, whether genetic or nutritional or drugs, increased the expression (activity) of collagen and other extra-cellular matrix genes, and enhanced extra-cellular matrix remodelling.”

Although this little lab worm is a long way from a human being, it has been shown to mirror ageing processes in higher forms of life, and scientists say this is a strong predictor that this mechanism is relevant to people as well.

Collagen makes up a third of total proteins in the body and is the main structural component of connective tissue. “Collagens are everywhere,” Dr Blackwell added. “They give us tissue elasticity and strength.” Extra-cellular matrix structures deteriorate with age and collagens have been implicated in conditions ranging from diabetes complications to cardiovascular disease, as well as making our skin look older.

Separate studies have shown that mice given a treatment that makes them genetically disposed to living longer develop stronger and more elastic muscle tendons.

But until now, no one has looked at the possibility that extra-cellular matrix remodelling might be a defence against ageing. Instead, work has focused on protecting and regenerating cells. The discovery could lead to cosmetic products that not only help with looks but also improve health.

“This says that beauty is definitely not skin deep,” said Dr Blackwell. “In fact, the richest beauty is inner beauty, because if you want to look young you don’t start with the outside, you start with the inside. We couldn’t have put it better ourselves!