Facial Massage


Fullness in the face, plump cheeks, a well-defined jaw line, and supple skin, are all the result of not just collagen, but also firm muscles in the face. And just as you can make sagging, flat buttock muscles look pert and curved by doing squats and lunges, you can exercise the muscles of the face to create a firm facial structure. 

And you don’t need to undergo a series of salon treatments, or buy an electronic gadget that artificially stimulates your facial muscles, often causing new, unnatural creases.

You can exercise your facial muscles very effectively yourself by facial massage, and a simple daily routine can make your face toned and glowing because regular facial massage can improve circulation, which promotes a natural healthy glow.

And because this massage also incorporates lymphatic massage, it can also help reduce impurities and toxins, increasing skin radiance and promoting healthier skin.

My facial massage routine takes around one minute, and is inspired by the Tanaka Facial Massage, which works by stimulating the tissues of the face in such a manner that releases fat and toxins and firms your facial muscles.

I do it every night when I apply my Aloe Vera gel and Oleicia oil. I follow these steps:

  • Rub Oleicia oil into skin to remove all traces of makeup, and the city from your skin. Use cotton wool pads wet with saline solution

  • When the cotton wool comes away clean, press a pea-sized amount of Aloe Vera gel into the skin

  • Then massage your Oleicia Oil into skin, moving your fingers in a swift, light but firm way over your face and neck

  • Move upward and outward towards your temples, then down