The Best Skin Toner is Under Your Nose


An effective alternative to your usual petrochemical-containing facial toner is something so natural and pure, that you can even drop it in your eyes. In fact that’s what it’s for, because I’m talking about sterile saline solution which I use to rinse out my contact lenses.

Sterile saline is free of chemicals, alcohol, fragrance, and anything else that you might find in a conventional facial toner. Saline is simply salt water, and salt helps to cleanse pores deeply, balance oil production and destroy the bacteria that can lead to spots and acne. Salt is used in hospitals for cleaning wounds safely because it can flush away bacteria and old cells.

Saline has a neutral pH of 7, and is compatible with skincare because it falls within the range of between pH 4 and pH 7. The pH of skin is around 5, and it can naturally equalises to its normal pH.

Use saline as you would any toner. After cleansing with Oleicia Oil, I wet a cotton pad with saline solution and use it to remove any excess oil, dirt and makeup. It costs £2 and lasts for ages.

Healthy AgeingYinka Thomas